Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First Attempt at Hacking a Pokemon ROM

I just started hacking my first ROM. More spefically I'm moding the Pokemon Leaf Green ROM. To do this I downloaded a few tools.

  • AdvancedMap: The name can be a little deceiving. It does more than just maps. You can also edit events such as persons and trainers. This is also used to link scripts to certain events.
  • XSE (eXtreme Script Editor): This is an IDE (or text editor for scripts). This is only needed if you want to do certain things. You can use this to have a person/trainer say custom text.
  • FSF (Free Space Finder): This is needed if you want to script.
  • Advanced Trainer: You might want this if you want to customize certain trainers
Right now I'm following the tutorial found here


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