Monday, March 19, 2012

Alexxx: Journal Entry 2

Dear Diary,

Last time I wrote to you I was headed to Prof. Oak's lab to borrow a Pokemon. Prof. Oak was happy to see me when I arrived. He talked to me about his project, which I already knew about considering he was my supervisor for my thesis. His project consisted of a device that would recognize Pokemon through a full body recognition software solely with an optical scan. Of course for this to work an existing database of Pokemon is needed. However it did not end there, the device would also register the behavior of the Pokemon and would infer statistics. This device could change the world of Pokemon fighting as we know it. Instead of blindly training for battle, a trainer can observe the statistics of a Pokemon and train or battle in consequence. Prof. Oak calls this device the Pokedex; personally I don't think the name will catch on. He should have simply called it an Adaptive Pokemon Encyclopedia (APE for short), which is essentially what it is. Anyways, Prof. Oak was talking to me about this because he had finished his beta version!

Since I already knew about the device he asked me to go and test it out. This was amazing. I was so excited. I would be the first to use this revolutionary device! I would also be the one to populate his Pokemon Database, and then it happened. Prof. Oak's nephew walked in the door. Prof. Oak had a reputation of spoiling him, and just as I had expected, Prof. Oak handed a beta APE (or a "Pokedex") to his nephew Tommy. How stupid can he be! Tommy is not qualified to test such a device. He doesn't know the first thing about Pokemon! He's a college drop out that lives with his mom! He lived his whole life in Pallet Town. Oh and not to mention he doesn't have a Pokemon either, or at least didn't. Just as Tommy received the pokedex he had the balls of asking his godfather for a Pokemon. Prof. Oak,  again spoiling his nephew, took out all his Pokemons (he had three) and had Tommy pick which one he wanted.

The idiot of a nephew picked a Bulbasaur, such an amateur mistake. Bulbasaur has four weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Flying, and Psychic. Just to spite him I asked Prof. Oak to borrow his Charmander, a Fire Pokemon to exploit Bulbasaur's weakness. The Brat left abruptly after obtaining what he wanted. Not even a thank you came out of his mouth. I couldn't stand it so I challenged him to a fight right there in the lab. Remember how I said I have learned the theory behind Pokemon all my life. Well this was that moment that I found out that theory didn't mean squat! I failed to realize that my Charmander didn't have any Fire attacks at that level. All he knew was scratch. As you can imagine the fight was a lot harder than I had anticipated. It was really close but of course I won against the brat. I sent him straight to the poke-center crying.

With that done, I set out to find and catch Pokemon of my own. For the second time today, my theory about Pokemon let me down. I can't catch any Pokemon! I know all the theory behind it. You press the middle button on the Pokeball to open it. You then throw the Pokeball such that the interior of the Pokeball faces the Pokemon. I even tried throwing the Pokeball with a spiral to improve my aim. The Pokemon simply won't enter the Pokeball. How can it be so hard!


  1. Alex you are so stupid! I know why you can't catch any don't need to press the middle button on the just need to throw it at the pokemon and it will open alone and the pokemon will go in. :P
